en News - FiraTàrrega News Wed, 26 Jun 2024 11:37:03 +0200 Wed, 26 Jun 2024 11:37:03 +0200 Houdini 2 (http://houdini.antaviana.cat/) https://www.firatarrega.cat With 51 shows and 33% of premieres, FiraTàrrega 2024 will feature established artists and budding talent in street performing arts
  • From 5 to 8 September, this year's leitmotiv will be playing, with shows that require audience participation and go for a more festive approach
  • Sol Picó, with a large-format show, Claire Ducreux, with her last show before stepping down from performing, or French company Adhok will be part of a programme that mixes in up-and-coming talents such as Clara Ingold or Júlia Godino and Alexa Moya
  • 53% of the companies are Catalan; 25% of them, Spanish, 2% of them have members from different regions in Spain, and 20% of them are international, coming from Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Lithuania and Ukraine
  • In the professional sphere, FiraTàrrega will be boosting presence of programmers from all the municipalities in Lleida and there will be international delegations from North America and Lombardy
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 11:37:03 +0200 https://www.firatarrega.cat/actualitat/news/51/with-51-shows-and-33-of-premieres-firatarrega-2024-will-feature-established-artists-and-budding-talent-in-street-performing-arts https://www.firatarrega.cat/actualitat/news/51
FiraTàrrega’s ‘Suport a la Creació’ programme reformulated to provide street art creators with more resources
  • The new 2025 call, that opens on the 1st of May, will select five companies annually. Each these of projects will receive assessment and €10,000, an improvement compared with the previous financial conditions 

  • FiraTàrrega wishes to promote a new system of co-productions with other agents and accomplices of creation, with the aim of ensuring greater solidity in the creative processes, more financial sustainability for the proposals and more market opportunities

  • The artistic management has presented the proposals that will form part of the Suport a la Creació (Support for Creation) for 2024 and the creations that will be developed in the coming months

Thu, 02 May 2024 13:59:50 +0200 https://www.firatarrega.cat/actualitat/news/50/firatarregas-suport-a-la-creacio-programme-reformulated-to-provide-street-art-creators-with-more-resources https://www.firatarrega.cat/actualitat/news/50
Strolling will be the focus of FiraTàrrega 2023 in an edition that bets on participation and the return of large formats

● From the 7th to the 10th of September, there will be 46 performing arts proposals by 45 companies, 25 of which will be premieres

● La Veronal, Joan Català, Maria Palma or the joint piece between Alba G. Corral and the Orquestra Julià Carbonell are some of the names on a plural and varied programme

● 50% of the companies are Catalan; 22% from the rest of Spain and 28% from abroad from such new markets as Denmark, the Czech Republic or Lithuania

● FiraTarrega.Pro is reinforced as the platform of reference for the professional sector in the digital transition and there will be international delegations from Wallonie-Bruxelles and France

Tue, 20 Jun 2023 12:40:53 +0200 https://www.firatarrega.cat/actualitat/news/49/strolling-will-be-the-focus-of-firatarrega-2023-in-an-edition-that-bets-on-participation-and-the-return-of-large-formats https://www.firatarrega.cat/actualitat/news/49
For a more inclusive circus and street arts sector without abusive behaviour

The SPEAK OUT (2023 - 2024) Together for a safer circus, project of which FiraTàrrega is part, is a European project that aims to prevent all types of discrimination and gender violence in the circus and street arts sector. It will be presented on the 11th of may 2023 as part of the Trapezi festival in Reus.

Wed, 24 May 2023 10:16:30 +0200 https://www.firatarrega.cat/actualitat/news/48/for-a-more-inclusive-circus-and-street-arts-sector-without-abusive-behaviour https://www.firatarrega.cat/actualitat/news/48
Territori Creatiu, FiraTàrrega’s programme of accompaniment of creative processes, presents 17 new artistic proposals.

► Territori Creatiu (Creative Territory) 2023 focusses on space, the public and the market as the backbones of this programme to accompany and assess in the creation and production of street arts.

► The artistic contents of the Territori Creatiu programme have been presented today, the 2nd of February, in a networking act where artists and Còmplices de la Creació have been invited to continue generating and extending complicities.

► Territori Creatiu agglutinates 17 artistic proposals 50% of which are theatre, 22% circus, 17% dance and the remaining 11% various disciplines like installations or music.

Thu, 02 Feb 2023 12:49:46 +0100 https://www.firatarrega.cat/actualitat/news/47/territori-creatiu-firatarregas-programme-of-accompaniment-of-creative-processes-presents-17-new-artistic-proposals https://www.firatarrega.cat/actualitat/news/47