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Assaig obert de Teatro en Movimiento Callejerx

Siluetes d'aigua

Jul 25 2024

Itinerant street theater piece constructed from a multidisciplinary perspective, the result of research that mixes street arts and ecofeminism. The work proposes an exploration that starts from inhabiting the body and the space, taking into account the water crisis in different territories and investigating the reasons and possible solutions that are being developed to deal with the water crisis.

25 July 2024

Punt de trobada: St. Eloi - Pla dels Dipòsits

Accés per Pg de Simó Canet.

Gratis, amb registre previ. Formulari disponible al peu
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Add to calendar 2024-07-25 19:30 2024-07-25 20:30 Europe/Madrid Assaig obert de Teatro en Movimiento Callejerx Itinerant street theater piece constructed from a multidisciplinary perspective, the result of research that mixes street arts and ecofeminism. The work proposes an exploration that starts from inhabiting the body and the space, taking into account the water crisis in different territories and investigating the reasons and possible solutions that are being developed to deal with the water crisis. Punt de trobada: St. Eloi - Pla dels Dipòsits Accés per Pg de Simó Canet. FiraTàrrega

