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For a more inclusive circus and street arts sector without abusive behaviour
The SPEAK OUT (2023 - 2024) Together for a safer circus, project of which FiraTàrrega is part, is a European project that aims to prevent all types of discrimination and gender violence in the circus and street arts sector. It will be presented on the 11th of may 2023 as part of the Trapezi festival in Reus.
Led by FEDEC (International Network for Professional Circus Education) (BEL) and the social enterprise Jump (FRA), expert in gender equality, SPEAK OUT (2023-2024) aims to raise awareness about conduct abusive among artistic and educational agents, and wants to collect, develop and disseminate tools and resources to help the sector evolve in a sustainable and structural way towards more equity and integrity, supporting its core organisations (schools, festivals, companies, etc.). The final goal is to final achieve physically, psychologically and emotionally safe educational spaces and workplaces.
Among the activities envisaged for the two-year duration of the project, there are 2 peer-to-peer meetings to share good practices, conferences to catch up with new developments and 4 training sessions aimed at directors of professional circus organisations, with the aim of implementing structural changes in questions of discrimination and gender violence. These 3-day international training sessions are especially designed for the circus/street arts sector and its specific circumstances and will be held coinciding with the leading European festivals.
FiraTàrrega and La Central del Circ (CAT) are associated partners in the project, together with Archaos / BIAC (FRA) and the circusnext network (FRA) and we support the desire for a less discriminatory and more inclusive sector. In addition to the project's visibility, we offer artistic settings for training and an essential bridge between the circus schools and the professional world. Specifically, and coinciding with FiraTàrrega 2024, on the 4th and 5th of September 2024, Tàrrega will host one of the 4 planned training sessions. For its part, La Central del Circ will organise a seminar in Barcelona about this question, date and place to be confirmed.
SPEAK OUT ' Together for a safer circus is a project funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union.
Related information

FiraTàrrega 2022. Proyecto Resonantes © Nuria Boleda. Arxiu FiraTàrrega