FiraTàrrega. Teatre al carrer


Tàrrega breaks the dawn silence with a beating heart in the square. For 40 intense and uninterrupted hours, the heart played by the artist Ada Vilaró invites you to join us there, amplifying our own heartbeat. The public space connects us, it commits us to be as we are: unique and singular. Thanks to the participation, a collective light emerges that knows no walls, borders, boundaries or differences. Come be part of this collective creation, sync your heart with this proposal of activism, transformation, love and commitment. A second, a minute, an hour, forty hours where we will be in the square. Or all life. Come it is urGENTtolove!

Artistic and scientific project based on community participation and specifically designed as the inaugural action for FiraTàrrega 2017. With the aim of diluting the boundaries, the artist Ada Vilaró and scientist Josep Perelló propose a deployment that involves individuals, associations and spectators in a research into love, coexistence, respect and acceptance of others.

This is an activity of activities, a experience shared with people in the street and composed of different rituals: eating, sleeping, walking, running, watching... It invites the city and its inhabitants to stop their daily activities and implement various moments of communion that allow us to put in relation. A shared transformation of people, space and time.

This project was conceived with the collaboration of the Québec artist Chris Salter.

The scientific research is displayed before, during and after the inaugural action of FiraTàrrega, the three key moments in time: the previous work with associations and groups in Tàrrega, launching a conversation group on the network* and the experience of relationships between individuals in the square during 40 hours that the staging lasts. The final result of the research is an public exercise in knowledge and recognition that will continue in the months following the artistic action.

* @urGENTestimar_bot, app Telegram

Ada Vilaró. Director and creator of the Escena Poblenou and Itineràncies festivals. Multidisciplinary action artist who works creating scenic events that aim to build community and reclaim public space as a place of meeting and collective dialogue. Públic present 24 hores (2013) o UrGente a Mar (2016) are two of her best-known recent actions. @AdaVilaroCasals

Josep Perelló. Leader of OpenSystems at the University of Barcelona, an undisciplined group that does science through artistic practices and the active participation of both specific communities and citizens in general. In his research, he works with various groups, such as the elderly and mental health or in educational environments. The aim is to build a knowledge that is able to encourage social change. @JosPerello @OpenSystemsUB


Autoria: Ada Vilaró i Josep Perelló Creació: Ada Vilaró, Josep Perelló i Paloma Orts Direcció artística: Ada Vilaró Direcció científica: Josep Perelló Ajudant de direcció: Paloma Orts Assessorament artístic: Paloma Orts, Chris Salter i Eva Marichalar Performer: Ada Vilaró Intèrprets: Lídia Pujol, Joan Estrader, Eva Marichalar Composició i direcció musical: Xavi Lloses Coreografia: Albert Bonet i Ada Vilaró Text: Marta Galán i Ada Vilaró Disseny de llums i paisatge sonor: Chris Salter, Alexandre Saunier i Joe Plazak Coordinació de participació: Genis Farran i Mireia Ribó Fotografia: Núria Boleda Audiovisuals: Jesús Vilamajó Creació de vestuari: Fiona Capdevila Assessor disseny vestuari: Cesar Zabala Disseny gràfic i d’espai: RUN, Estefania Aragüés, Xavi Roca i Ignasi Rosés Disseny Bot @urGENTestimar: Santi Seguí, Guillem Pascual, Julian Vicens, Anna Cigarini i Josep Perelló Disseny plataforma digital a la plaça: Anna Cigarini, Julian Vicens, Isabelle Bonhoure i Josep Perelló Disseny de sensors: Daniel Prades i Josep Perelló Coordinació equip científic: Mar Coromina Producció administrativa: Imma Romero Producció: Tempus Fugit, Nadala Fernández i Sergio Vega. Una coproducció de FiraTàrrega, Festival de Creació Contemporània Escena Poblenou i OpenSystems de la Universitat de Barcelona Amb la col·laboració del Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, l'Ajuntament de Barcelona i Coopération bilatérale – Québec-Catalogne (CMQC).

  • 07 September: 07:00; 10:00; 20:00; 23:00
  • 08 September: 10:00; 14:00; 22:15
Pl. Major
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