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Programme 2024

The programme follows the 24-hour clock. A show after 12 midnight is included in the following day’s list.

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Day Time Show Company Lenght Discipline
06/09/2024 11:00 Embolic Pau Palaus 45' Circus
06/09/2024 11:00 The Sad-Mad Method Cia. Carla Sisteré 20' Dance
06/09/2024 17:00 Embolic Pau Palaus 45' Circus
06/09/2024 17:00 The Sad-Mad Method Cia. Carla Sisteré 20' Dance
07/09/2024 11:00 Fleurir les abîmes Claire Ducreux 30' Dance
07/09/2024 11:00 Todo este ruido Qabalum 23' Dance
07/09/2024 17:00 Fleurir les abîmes Claire Ducreux 30' Dance
07/09/2024 17:00 Todo este ruido Qabalum 23' Dance
08/09/2024 11:00 L'actitud JAM 55' Theatre
08/09/2024 11:00 Tan a prop Júlia Godino i Alexa Moya 15' Dance
08/09/2024 17:00 L'actitud JAM 55' Theatre
08/09/2024 17:00 Tan a prop Júlia Godino i Alexa Moya 15' Dance

