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← Other press releaseTuesday, 9 August 2016
Chile, FiraTàrrega 2016's guest country
This year FiraTàrrega will focus on Chile and has invited four different Chilean companies
In addition, there will be several professional activities in order to go deeper into performing arts' current state in this Latin American country
Chile will be the next FiraTàrrega 2016's guest, an interesting country concerning the market and creative power. Focus Chile will host three companies that will be present in the official section of the fair and a fourth, that has taken part in the 2016 Support for Creation Programme.
Focus Chile has been possible thanks to the support of Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes del Gobierno de Chile, an institution that was already present at the Market in the last edition of the fair and the support of Dirección de Asuntos Culturales del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores of the country.
The artistic selection of the invited Chilean companies has been carried out focusing on young companies that perform their work in the field of street arts and represent four different ways understanding the relationship between the arts and public space: community theater, dance, theater, theater experience...
During the days of FiraTàrrega we will enjoy the community theater La cocina pública by Teatro Contáiner, which is a mobile kitchen, housed in a shipping container. An experience in search of recipes and flavours that bring out stories that recall characters and that reveal humanity and intimate moments full of flavours. The neighbours cook with the diners, generating a tasty social gathering that allows recognition of the different culinary customs of the inhabitants of a territory.
The project Frames by La Licuadora is a piece for five dancers, directed by the choreographer Rodrigo Chaverini, interested in the creation in the crossing of disciplines, arose as an intervention in the public space to inaugurate the Vertientes festival in Santiago in Chile. An infinite sequence that experiments with individuality and multiplicity through time and a space. The performers expand and contract while they deploy an ephemeral and persistent dance.
We will also have Viaje nº 9 by Teatro del Sonido, the debut by this young Chilean company. The crew of the Acoustic Transport Company invite the audience to embark on an imaginary voyage into nature and the memory, but it is nature that ends up invading the city through the 5.1 soundtrack. An itinerant and participative show that transforms the public space into various natural settings - a cave, a forest, a river- and that culminates in a carnavalesque collective catharsis.
Fulgor, a piece by Teatro Niño Proletario deals with immigration and survival in the context of a world determined to grow without limits, where economic borders are blurred. Immigrants, driven by the hope of a better life, often end up living in marginalised conditions, while they have to do everything possible to contribute from afar to the livelihood of their families back home. Subjects that unwittingly feed a vicious economic system that perpetuates social injustice.
Something new in the 2016 professional activity is the presentation of the artistic scene of Chile, entitled 'Chilean performing arts'. It will gather attendees and Chilean professionals interested in learning about the country's reality and opportunities to work there. Three conversations will take place between developers from there and elsewhere, who have worked closely with three themes: creative spaces, contemporary Chilean drama and stage shows.
FiraTàrrega's relationship with the Americas is long and productive. In 2011 we dedicated a showcase to Ibero-America and in 2013 we focused on Mexico. As a result of these two actions the Catalan market today is known and appreciated in this global context. Also the American production in the European circuit.