Programme 2022
Lali Álvarez
The Unfinished Human MANIFESTO (El Manifest inacabat de la Humanitat)
Participative project that combines artistic creation, work in the territory, community creation and thought. It aims to work with young people aged between 15 and 25 to contribute to drafting the Unfinished...
- 08 September: 21:30
- 09 September: 21:30
- 10 September: 21:00
Proyecto Resonantes
The starting point and thematic axis of Trinario: Cuerpos Resonantes is a story about bodies that resonates from different latitudes and territories, a corporal dramaturgy intertwined with situations like the...
- 09 September: 17:30
- 10 September: 11:30, 17:30
- 11 September: 11:30, 19:00