Application for professional registration
By registering, you'll join a dynamic online community which transcends time and space to offer permanent, global service.
The period for professional registration is temporarily closed. The subscription to La Llotja Online will be reactivated at the end of October 2020.
At the start of the registration period, all entities included in the database will receive an email with the information and instructions needed to register. More information on inclusion in the database.
PRO registration is valid for participating in all the activities of La Llotja Online and the Nomadic Circuit of exhibition.
La Llotja Online: 9 and 10 September 2020
National and international digital meeting of performing arts professionals, which will include project presentations, personal meetings and activities of knowledge and reflection, through the use of FiraTàrrega's new Web PRO along with videocall and digital document tools.
2021 Nomadic Circuit
Exhibition circuit of artistic proposals with FiraTàrrega's label, to be held the first three trimesters of 2021 and nourished by a programme of shows alongside professional meeting and market stimulation activities. More inforrmation.
Special Registration Fees
- One-time registration for entities (1 to 4 people): €50 (21% sales tax included)
- One-time registration for individuals: €15 (21% sales tax included)
Discounts for members of the following associations: AADPC, ADGAE, APCC, APGCC, ISACS (ie), OUTDOOR ARTS UK, PAC, PATEA, TTP, WITHOUT WALLS (uk), XARXA ALCOVER.
Free for members of the Circostrada, COFAE, IN SITU, Networked Theatres and Strategic Markets of Catalonia, Plataforma Arts de Carrer (PAC).