(Un)Common Spaces
In March 2018, FiraTàrrega joined IN SITU, a European platform and think tank for artistic creation in public space. Through this network, a cooperation project was presented in the Creative Europe 2020-2024 programme. Under the name (UN)COMMON SPACES, it is designed to support the street arts as an artistic discipline that enables relation between the cultural sector and citizenry to be reinvented.
The project was approved by the European Commission and goes ahead thanks to the impulse of 19 partners (including FiraTàrrega) from 13 countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, the USA, France, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Norway, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic) to work collaboratively between these partners, a selection of 16 artists and a circle of 16 citizens experts in various fields, to encourage artistic creations and explore new ways for public participation in the street arts and with the aim of inhabiting and regenerating public space.
In the case of FiraTàrrega, Alina Stockinger from the company Eléctrico 28 has been proposed as a specialist artist in the street arts and Íngrid Guardiola, as a citizen expert in digital public space, technology and society.
This project is done with the support of the Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals (ICEC).