FiraTàrrega. Teatre al carrer

What's happening in FiraTàrrega?



Showing 11 to 20 of 50 of available news

  1. Friday, 12 March 2021

    FiraTàrrega faces 2021, stepping up its role of support for performing arts creation and the professional sector

    The Nomadic Circuit - which, March through October, will bring 30 shows to 36 locations across the Spanish state and host 10 professional gatherings - is just getting started.

    The 2021 Support for Creation Programme includes guidance for 14 newly created shows.

    Llotja Online is growing as an open and ongoing platform for professional encounters, with an extensive catalogue of performing arts creations and regular activities, not discounting the possibility of in-person gatherings.

    The leitmotif of the 2021 season is "inhabiting space", reflected in an image created by Sopa Graphics.

  2. Monday, 6 July 2020

    FiraTàrrega and the Ramon Llull Institute launch the programme Hivernem in order to foster research in the writing of artistic creations linked to performing arts and the public space.

    The goal of this programme is to contribute to the development of writing processes in the best conditions, facilitating research, knowledge sharing and mentoring from experts selected to ensure the excellence of the writing, investigation and creation.

  3. Wednesday, 13 May 2020

    FiraTàrrega redefines its activity in a special edition that adapts to the consequences of the pandemic

    The festival's usual format has been postponed to 2021 (from 9 to 12 September) and is being replaced by a special edition.

    The Support for Creation programme will stick to its goal of guiding scenic creation and constitutes the corpus of coproductions funded by FiraTàrrega, with a total of 18 shows. The residencies and open rehearsals in Tàrrega will be postponed until more ideal health and occupancy conditions can be guaranteed.

    The professional activity scheduled for 9 and 10 September will be maintained, but online, with a programme of meetings, presentations and talks centred on creating market dynamics in the national, state and international sphere.

    A travelling show tour, under the FiraTàrrega label, is soon to be launched, with a street performance art programme that will take shape in the first trimesters of 2021 in conjunction with activities designed to catalyse the market.

  4. Wednesday, 29 April 2020

    FiraTàrrega presents the 2020 Support for Creation scenic creation process guidance programme

    A total of 18 artistic projects have been selected for the 2020 FiraTàrrega Support for Creation programme, which encompasses guidance, artistic residencies, open rehearsals and outreach for shows in the process of creation.

    The programme includes around forty partners from diverse performance crews who, as coproducers, guarantee these productions' funding and trajectories of diffusion.

    For the first time, an "extended programme" is being proposed with activities related to the performances' thematic content.

    Details on artistic residencies, open rehearsals and activities related to programme shows will be determined insofar as it is possible based on the lockdown-ending process over the next few months.

  5. Friday, 31 January 2020

    The University of Barcelone publishes results of a citizen science study carried out in FiraTàrrega

    · The article, published in the journal Scientific Reports, shows each gender keeps a different cooperation pattern after making visual contact

    · The study shows the potential and relevance of the street and scenic arts when studying human behaviour in sociability spaces

    Article reference

    A. Cigarini, J. Vicens, y J. Perelló. "Gender-based pairings influence cooperative expectations and behaviours". Scientific Reports, January2020. Doi:

  6. Tuesday, 1 October 2019

    FiraTàrrega 2020 opens the deadline for submitting artistic proposals

    Starting today, and until the first of December 2019, you can send your artistic proposals to participate in the official programme of FiraTàrrega 2020.

    Photo: Tony Clifton Circus. FiraTàrrega 2019 © Núria Boleda

  7. Monday, 17 June 2019

    FiraTàrrega 2019 launches new management and asserts itself as an international hub for street arts

    · FiraTàrrega 2019 will take place from 5th to 8th September

    · La Llotja of FiraTàrrega is renovated and transformed into a meeting point within the sector, fostering professional knowledge, encounters and exchange.

    · Territory, identity, commitment and reflection are the four lines intersecting the artistic programme.

    · The opening act will be a conversation on public space and artistic creation led by Àngels Margarit, director of the Mercat de les Flors and the philosopher Xavier Antich. Moderated by Judit Carrera, the event is meant to serve as a mission statement from the new artistic director, Anna Giribet.

  8. Thursday, 9 May 2019

    The renewed 2019 Support for Creation program

    We are facing a new stage of FiraTàrrega's Support for Creation program, understood as a process of artistic accompaniment where we aim to integrate all possible relationships between artists, professionals, market, city and citizenry. An updated program that anticipates different types of projects depending on the degree of support they need, the inclusion of the towns joining Tàrrega as spaces for creation, and the incorporation of distribution and the market as the last step in the value chain of artistic projects.

  9. Thursday, 30 August 2018

    FiraTàrrega 2018 invites you to reenvision contemporary public space through street art

    In this edition, which will take place from 6th to 9th September, FiraTàrrega reenvisions contemporary public space using four main themes: territory, memory, identity and inclusion.

    The Fair will feature 50 national and international shows that will perform 227 functions in 22 different exhibition spaces. As of 27th August, FiraTàrrega will have 795 registered professionals from five continents.

    The Compagnie Lucamoros will be the opening act of FiraTàrrega with its show La Tortue de Gauguin, a visual and poetic rendition that you can see at Sant Eloi park on Thursday 6th September at 9:30pm.

  10. Monday, 26 June 2017

    FiraTàrrega puts the focus on participation by inviting to claim, play, perform and celebrate 

    FiraTàrrega 2017 will take place from 7 to 10 September and will feature 54 performances from eight countries.

    The focal point is participation, one of the main assets of contemporary street art. 

    The community action urGENTestimar from Ada Vilaró and Josep Perelló will be responsible for opening this year. This work, which seeks to dilute borders in art and science, will last for 40 hours.

    urGENTestimar, Ada Vilaró and Josep Perelló

