FiraTàrrega. Teatre al carrer

What's happening in FiraTàrrega?



Showing 51 to 52 of 52 of available news

  1. Friday, 7 June 2013

    Four companies included in the Creation Support Programme can be seen at Fringe13 of Madrid

    Thanks to an agreement between the Fair and the festival, the companies Ernesto Collado, Joan Català, Teatro de Cerca and Insectotròpics will be invited to Fringe13 before acting at FiraTàrrega in September.

  2. Friday, 24 May 2013

    The Master of Arts in Street Art Creation, promoted by FiraTàrrega and the UDL brings together renowned European professionals to the city.

    These workshops integrate the module What's new in the street arts sector, including one in the master's degree that FiraTàrrega and the UdL promote to internationalize Catalan Street Arts to train new professionals and provide recycling opportunities for working professionals.

